Wednesday, June 13, 2018

After Reporter Tosses Over A Ridiculous Question, Pompeo Punts It Out Of Singapore

Kim Jung Un, dictator of North Korea, uttered these historic words: “The world will see a major change,” Kim said. “I would like to express my gratitude to President Trump to make this meeting happen,” a Brietbart reporter quotes.

Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State sets the media straight about negotiation best practices. Image credit to US4Trump enhanced compilation.

Meanwhile, all a CBS reporter can think to ask is if President Trump is going to pull out of South Korea. Essentially, suggesting that America would leave SOKO exposed and vulnerable to NOKO. The question is SO ridiculous that Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo had to set Major Garrett straight! (VIDEO BELOW.)

Pompeo calls out Garrett of CBS and tells him exactly how silly his question is and that he needs to STOP making up his own narrative!

Garrett asks if America is going to pull out of South Korea. Then Pompeo, responds, “I’m NOT going to get into any of the details of the discussions we’ve had today.” How about THAT? America isn’t putting their hand on the table and announcing to allies and enemies alike what we are going to do!

Pompeo tells the reporter how to do his job so that Pompeo can do his own job without the media undermining the negotiations every step of the way!

Then Pompeo tells Garrett how to do his job for America! He rails, “You shouldn’t assume from the fact that I don’t give any detail here today. That some question you posited has any merit.” Pompeo continues, “If you hypothesize something that’s in it. And I refuse to tell you what’s in it. You should assume, simply, that I am refusing to tell you what’s in it. And not drawing any negative inference that I think you’re suggesting.” (VIDEO BELOW.)

Then Pompeo tells him, “There’s a lot of work to do. There’s a lot of detail that needs to be provided. We are NOT going to do negotiations in the open with the media. We are going to conduct them between the two parties so that we have an opportunity to have a real success.”

It appears our Secretary of State and the Trump administration has world peace on a winning track!

WATCH the video below:

In closing, what do you think? Isn’t it great to see Pompeo telling the media to STOP working against America and start working with the world peace agenda? Drop a comment below and hit the subscribe button for MORE


  1. major garrett frothing at the mouth again !

  2. I like this guy and the way he deals with morons!
