Wednesday, June 13, 2018

This Heartfelt Message from a Trump Supporter is Breaking the Internet!

A heartfelt message from a Trump supporter, Tabitha Sean Putt, has gone VIRAL and is breaking the internet.

Read it for yourself and find out why.

By Tabitha Sean Putt

I offer no apology for what I am posting, for this is truly how I feel. This is my opinion, not a debate. If you disagree, or find my position offensive, I’m perfectly fine with that & no, I’m not offended, feel free to unfriend me forthwith.

I have lived through several United States Presidents prior to our current President Trump. In my lifetime, I have never seen nor heard of a President scrutinized over every word he speaks, humiliated by the public to the point of disgrace, slandered, ridiculed, insulted, lied to & beyond common logic, threatened with death, threatened to rape our Beautiful First Lady, Our First Lady Disrespected, & have his children also insulted & humiliated.

I am truly ashamed of the people of MY country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hating, cruel, Trump haters who display themselves as to having no pride, morals, ethics nor values in Our Country’s traditions.

Our Elders taught us 30, 40+ yrs ago to respect our President, whether we voted for them or not, & all these news stations & reporters who feel they have the right to carry on with blatant lies & say the things they do for a good story. Every other President before he was elected, that took the oath of office, was left alone, wasn’t on the news 24/7, scrutinized by their every word.

ALWAYS BEING PRESSURED to do this or that & never given the time to take care of the important work this country really needs. I know he is not perfect, very different than what we’ve become accustomed to but ENOUGH is ENOUGH, LEAVE THE MAN ALONE & LET HIM DO HIS JOB!!

None of the other Presidents in their times were spotless or perfect either.

I want our President Donald Trump to succeed & try to make our America great again!

If you agree, please copy & paste this to your timeline! #TEAMUSA

What do you think?

Do you agree with Tabitha?

If so, please share this story!

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